Saturday, March 29, 2008

patched up

After yet another poo on the floor last night, I decided that Le Chat is just not going to cooperate. I made a patch for the SB, so let's hope that makes her more comfortable.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I will NOT give up!

Le Chat has been holding it in for a few days so I am glad she finally poo'd....but not glad that it was not in the toilet. On Monday, I placed some shallow plastic containers with water in her favorite spots (to replace the foil that didn't work), so she found a new spot on a rug that is farther from the toilet. She had never used this one before, but now it is gone too. I should have known better than to leave it out. On Tuesday, I put some clear plastic wrap under the hole and sprinkled some litter on it, but she didn't seem to care and held it until today, then went on the floor after I had given up and removed the plastic wrap. I'm not sure if I'll replace the plastic wrap or not.....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

gift from the Easter bunny?

I think NOT. Le Chat left me another "gift" on the floor last night. She pawed right through the aluminum foil to move it out of her way so that she could make a deposit. I'll post a picture of it later today.....

Fortunately, she is still using the setup 100% for her #1s. I have to think of something new to get the poos in the toilet before it becomes habit. I think I might try to patch up the hole a little. Maybe seeing all that water is freaking her out. It really doesn't seem like much of a change to me, but I guess it makes all the difference in the world to her. blast!

7 pm: The little brat has done it again! both photos are below... be warned of the poo pic! This time I am going to try pans of water in her favorite spot.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Le Chat was pretty mouthy today, so I wondered if she is upset about the changes we have made. A few times she started digging in the setup but jumped down as soon as I tried to peek in on her. Finally I closed her into the bathroom for about 15 min and she had peed in the setup by the time I let her out. Then I left for a few hours tonight and came home to another poo on the floor. Dang it! I don't know if i should back up right away and try to patch up my hole again or go a few more days and see if it gets better. I did the same re-direct method as yesterday... so I'm waiting at least until tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

new setup


Here we have it! The hole has been enlarged from approximately 4 inches to about 5 inches in diameter. Le Chat promptly pooped on the floor within 30 min of the change. great. I showed her the "mistake" and firmly said "no!". Then I picked it up with a tissue and put it in the setup. After about 15 min, I took her in the bathroom and put her on the toilet. I praised her for the poo in the setup, and she watched while I put the poo through the hole into the water. Then, I put her in proper paw placement stance and gave her a treat. Hopefully, that will help her realize that she still needs to use the toilet....

Friday, March 14, 2008

it's great to be "regular" again

Le Chat had another successful poo this evening... right after my 12 dinner guests left. I am glad that she is back on her one poo per day schedule and that she didn't seem to be bothered by all of the guests!! I am going to find time this weekend to enlarge the hole. Oh, one thing, though. There was another bit of "residue" left on the seat. Do I need to be concerned that her aim is off a little? I am hoping the adjustments will occur over time as the hole in the setup gets larger...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

it's time for an adjustment

yesterday i found a poo in the setup when I got home, (and a pee, and another pee later) and then another poo over night! Le Chat has finally had 3 consecutive poos in the setup with no accidents, so I think we are ready to enlarge the hole.... I might not have time until the weekend, but I can't wait. It has been so long since we've been able to move forward!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

happy kitty

successful poop in the setup today! one really little turd was on the floor...i think it was just poor aim, or it got scooped out when she was burying it...


Last night, le chat surprised me again! I was standing at the sink, combing hair, brushing teeth, etc, while talking loudly to my boyfriend, who was in the shower. Le Chat jumped up onto the toilet and peed directly through the hole in the setup! She usually waits to make sure no one will come in and disturb her and runs out of the bathroom if she hears a loud noise, but she wasn't waiting for that! I was impressed that she did her duty while we were in there...she received lots of praise and a treat for that!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


i was all excited and confident that we had crossed a barrier yesterday with the poo in the setup. Then I discovered another poo on the floor tonight. .. On the throw rug. I guess it's my fault.. I have to get rid of the throw rug. The tile floor is just soooo cold when I don't have one... boo hoo for me.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


As of yesterday afternoon, I was ready to give up. I got some World's Best Cat litter, but the only thing I had seen Le Chat do was eat it.

Things started to look up when I found a pee spot in the setup... but still no poo. I have been feeding Le Chat wet food and trying to mix in pumpkin to help with the constipation, but still no results.

THEN, today, a breakthrough!! I came home from work to find the water in the toilet looking just a little bit yellow... I think le chat peed right through the hole! About an hour later, I went in and found 2 small poos in the litter, and ONE POO IN THE TOILET!!! yipeeeeeeeeee! It was her first time going directly through the hole into the toilet.... cause for celebration!